How to be Free from Society - Live with less in a better place!

Self-Portrait in Bali (Indonesia)


Ok, it is very clear how much things have changed since the “pandemic” started. Things were already insane when you think about how much you have to earn to have just an “average” life…

We are into this system to work and pay bills till we die. Most people hate their jobs, they don’t have the free time they would like to have to travel, spend with their families or just LIVE. And this is INSANE when you think about it deeply… We just have one life, and if you live in the city, that life will be shorter than you could hope for… Why be an unhappy slave with a poor quality of life when you can live with less, do what you love every day, and live longer?

I’m currently working on my way out of society. Not totally though… as this is just quite hard unless I decide to live off the grid. But at least, settle somewhere far away from the Western world. And believe me, I’m working really hard! I’m planting seeds, watering them and taking care of them for over 12 hours per day without seeing visible results yet…. sometimes can be discouraging but guess what? I know when it’s going to be the time to collect everything I’ve cultivated during these difficult times, I will be FREE. And all the effort will be well worth it! I will be able to live wherever the hell I want and work doing what I love. And the best of it all? I won’t need much money for it!

I currently live in one of the worst places to escape society: London. The cities are becoming more and more expensive, more stressful, and way more unhealthy with all that pollution, antennas, noise, lack of nature… And don’t even get me started with this new concept of “Intelligent Cities”. Yes, you’ve read well. We are literally under 24/7 surveillance on CCTV every step you take. AI is being implemented as well everywhere, and now, even more with the excuse of the famous “pandemic”. You can’t even order a damn drink now without having to download an App so the Government knows where you are! Track and Trace they call it…

Anyway, don’t take me wrong, I DO LOVE the city from time to time, BUT, that time is over for me…

Keep reading to learn how you can be free from society as well. Don’t settle for an average controlled life. Don’t settle for a life that society wants you to have. Live your life under your own rules!

Me while traveling solo in Ecuador

1. WHY get out of society?

Well, I’m sure you have been travelling and I’m even more sure that you loved it so much that you didn’t want to come back wherever you call home. You didn’t want to come back to that job you hate or that concrete jungle as I personally call the big cities…

You know what? sometimes, we tend to believe that those places called “paradise” are expensive, impossible to live in. However, the reality is very different. I will always put Indonesia as an example. Life there is so freaking cheap! People are amazing, always smiling, always helping others even if they don’t know them… I have been there for a long period of time. And it’s very likely I will end up moving there, probably and hopefully soon enough!

Cities are proven to shorten your life… The poor food quality, the poor air quality, the stress, and the pressure you constantly have to keep up with the price of the rent, bills and lifestyle overall… You start surviving rather than living! People? too focused on their own problems to remember to socialise till they have a day off from work. You would go around without crossing looks with anyone. They are all running to work while looking at their phones… This affected me at the strongest when I came back from a trip I did to Cuba… People are HAPPIER with less!

I talk from experience, I’m here, in London while writing this… It’s been already over 8 years since I left Spain to pursue my dreams. No regrets though! I’ve enjoyed the ride. But now? It’s time to move on, to look for a healthier place, for nature, for a simple life. A place where you can pick healthy food from your garden, live with very little money because the rent would be around $400 for a quality property by the sea rather than £900 for a miserable place in a polluted random street… Also, a place where you won’t need to spend a crazy amount of money to go on holidays… why? because you would be living in such a paradise that you won’t feel like you need to escape to take a break!

Locals singing in Gili Trawangan (Indonesia)


The reason is simple. We tend to procrastinate about everything we want in life! We are humans after all, and we are crap at keeping up with our dreams when we are so damn tired after working in that job we hate… we are so drained that we are not motivated to keep working when we get home… MISTAKE!

So to help with this, I write in a Bullet Journal every morning. I do write down what I want, my goals, how to achieve them and… what I hate! After doing that list, I realise that most of the things I don’t like are the ones I’m actually going through right now. I’ve found out that reminding myself what I don’t like, motivates me much more to keep pushing for a change.

Here is an example of my personal lists:

What Brings me Joy:

  • Surf

  • Sun & Sea

  • Free-Diving

  • Scuba Diving & Snorkelling

  • Travelling

  • Working out

  • Photography

  • Filmmaking Travel Vlogs

Me free-diving with mantas in Komodo Islands

This is the perfect example. After writing that list, I analysed it. What the hell am I doing in London? All the things I wrote, are not a possibility in this city. Apart of course, from working out, and travel from time to time maybe? This gave me a clear understanding of how much I need a change. And in my case, I love those things so freaking much that it’s extremely urgent to make them happen.

What I Don’t Like:

  • The City (at least not anymore)

  • Settle for less

  • Struggle with Money

  • Sh*t Food

  • Bad Weather

  • Not having Nature around

  • Surviving

See? I don’t even need to explain much. What I’ve written here, is clearly my current life in London. Now I handle it perfectly because I’m already working my way out. Now, I’m not stressed anymore because I know there is an end. I’m actually super happy and excited. But before, when I did this list for the first time, I realised why I needed an action plan…

Write a list of the things you don’t like and another one of the things that bring you joy in life… Read them every day to push yourself to get out of your Comfort Zone!

3. decide what you truly love as a job

And with this, I mean what you really love! No that job that you think everyone wants you to do or that career you believe is going to be profitable… Of course, you have to have in mind something that works, but try to don’t listen to external voices.

Think about your hobbies, things you like to do, your skills… I’m sure you have many! or at least, there is something you always wanted to do and you never had time for it. Guess what? there is ALWAYS time. I was the first one complaining about this. There is time, the problem is that we are tired by the time we get that free space for ourselves… WORK HARD! If you really want it, you will find the way!


Ok, so once you’ve decided what you want to put your attention on, invest in some courses. And put the time to learn before you start! I see many people trying to create a business or freelance without having a clue. If you try without knowing what you are doing, it will never work. After a few weeks, you will get discouraged and quit…

Instead, before sharing your business with anyone or posting bad quality content, take the time to learn EVERYTHING first. Don’t be impatient. If you launch a business with a poor visual strategy, you will give a bad impression. It’s better to start sharing and promoting your business when you are ready to cause an impact and attract clients from the beginning!

My FAVOURITE platforms to learn new skills are these:

  • SKILLSHARE (CLICK HERE FOR A FREE TRIAL. You can do all the courses you want till the trial ends. Then, for just a cheap monthly fee, you have access to all the classes! I personally pay for it. In the creative industry, the learning process is never-ending.)

Learn on Skillshare
  • CREATIVE LIVE (CLICK HERE FOR FREE LESSONS. You have tons of courses here. For every creative field and within many niches. Full courses are also sold separately. But it's better and cheaper to pay the small monthly fee. This way you will have full access to every single MasterClass. And all of them are from very famous and knowledgable creatives.)

4. choose the online world!

For many years I saw this coming but now, after all the lockdowns, there is no question!

Now is the perfect time to go full-on online. Your area of expertise doesn’t matter. Every single skill can be monetised online if you learn how to do it. As I mentioned before, invest in education. You will see how many possibilities you will open for yourself that you didn't know about.

Just make sure your online presence is immaculate. I know that you will start with very few followers but I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about being professional, about sharing good images that represent you and your business. Also, If you don’t have a website yet, CREATE ONE!

I did mine using Squarespace. The reason is that even if I’m a web designer myself, Squarespace is just so freaking easy to use and it has ALL the integrations a freelancer needs! I’ve built my own Online Shop, the Blog you are reading right now, and my Photography Portfolio without struggling even a little. You don’t need any kind of design skills AT ALL to build your own website. Just grab your favourite template (they have so many of them to choose from), and make the content your own!

Having a website is a must if you want to look professional in whichever industry you are in. This is how you are going to introduce your business to potential clients!

You can click here for a Free Trial and see how you get on.

I also have a YouTube video where I explain how to do a Photography Portfolio the right way showcasing some features. Even if you are not a photographer, you will learn more about the platform.

Now is the time to set up a YouTube Channel within your niche, to grow your social media platforms and have a banging website offering your services!

5. examples of remote jobs you can do online

  • Photographer (A camera is the best passport! You can get clients anywhere in the world!)

  • Filmmaker

  • Graphic Designer

  • Web Designer

  • Blogger / Vlogger

  • Online Marketer

  • Social Media Manager

  • Content Creator for brands/individuals

  • Video Editor (For other YouTubers)

  • Create your own YouTube Channel within your Niche!

  • Copywriter

  • Translator

  • Developer

  • Personal Trainer (Yes, many of them are now teaching online)

  • Nutritionist

  • Yoga, Pilates, or any kind of sports coach

  • Life Coach

  • Music Teacher

  • Language Teacher

  • Virtual Assistant (For other influencers or entrepreneurs managing their socials, PR, emails etc.)

And there are many more! You can learn all of them right now even if you don’t have the skills yet. You just have to choose the one you want to get into, do online courses, and start building your audience!


This is my favourite point of them all. Do you know how cheap it is to live in some countries you think is impossible to move to? Well, think twice.

If you make a living online, chances are that you struggle at the beginning to make enough income to live comfortably. And that’s true in a way… BUT! That would be considering that you currently live in Europe or any other country that belongs to those called “1st World Countries”.

You will need loads of money! What about moving to a country where life is actually cheap? You won’t need 2K to have an average life… With around 1k, you can live like a boss in the right country! And in Paradise! Surrounded by nature, humble people and away from society! THE DREAM!


I’ve travelled a lot and I still have to discover much more out there. However, I can say that Indonesia is an amazing country! Bali in particular. You can choose between living in a relaxed place away from the crowd, and just visit Canggu when you miss the Western vibes. This island offers locations for all moods. And you can always travel around many of the other islands that Indonesia offers.

Life here is super cheap. The rent, the food, the lifestyle… With a little online income, you will do just fine!

Other countries worth checking, are in South America. Buying good land over there is as cheap as $600! And build your own house is ridiculously affordable as well. When I was in Ecuador, I saw stunning houses by the sea worth around just $3K!

And no! South America doesn’t have to be dangerous if you live in a touristic and more developed area.

Do your own research but what I want you to take from this article, is that by thinking outside the box society put us into since we were born, you can actually have a damn good life! All, without having to kill yourself working in a job you hate for not even end up owning a crazy expensive and unaffordable house.

I really hope you enjoyed this post and found it useful. If so, feel free to sign up to my newsletter below, and share this post with others. You can also do so by sharing the pin below on Pinterest. Thank you! 🙏


Subscribe to my Youtube channel for weekly videos about Photography, the Creative Industry and Vlogs! See you there! 





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